Saturday, September 12, 2020

Remember the cartoon “Pinky and the Brain”

 Remember how the Brain had a singular desire to rule the world, never really said exactly what he would do if he did rule the world, yet he did have that singular passionate all encompassing desire to rule the world.

Have you noticed our current President seems to have no encompassing desire to be President? The closest it comes might be he is using the Presidency to make money, but quite frankly I cannot see that 100%. He isn’t exploiting the office to make billions like his pal Vlad the glad, maybe tens of millions at best. It seems to be more of a side gig for him. He just doesn’t seem to have a driving desire that is all encompassing as President or to be President. I cannot determine if I feel maddened by this or just disappointed. Life is so much better when you know the plan. Or at least you can make a plan to counter. 

And the alt right is acting like the pretentious left this past week. This controversy of Ms. Pelosi and the lack of face mask while getting her hair done is pretty funny. Here we have a big brouhaha coming from people who do not wear masks anyway. It is like they are calling her a hypocrite, yet calling a politician a hypocrite is like saying the sky is blue. The real issue is what shade of blue or how deep of a blue is it. It isn’t a question of if the sky is blue. 

And brings us to the current point that modern American politics is just one extreme indictment of American public education for the last two or three generations. And after 50 years of greed and pretentiousness ruling the roost, don’t you think it is time for a change?


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