Sunday, May 26, 2024

Happy Memorial Day and a hodge podge of hodge podge


First of all I am as guilty as anyone about why we celebrate Memorial Day. I do know some who will spend the day in remembrance of our veterans, however we seem to forget what the day is all about. Many of us myself included will be with family, friends doing out door activities that have more to do with celebrating the first weekend of holiday summer than paying tribute to all those who gave their lives for our freedom. So I do want to take this moment to ask anyone reading this to stop and have a moment of silence remembering them especially any family members. Also do not forget to thank a veteran at all times, yet especially during this weekend for their service.

I do hope you get a chance to spend time with family and friends because I always believe the people in your life should be important to you. And if you get a chance at any gatherings you attend to ask the host to dedicate a moment of silence and prayer for our fellow citizens who sacrificed all for us to enjoy this and every weekend.


We were driving across Texas again for the 200th time it feels like (and I don’t think I am exaggerating)  and it was getting to be sunset. This was right past Abilene headed east. And it really struck me the color of the sky or general ambience of twilight or just the general configuration of the light. I do not know how to describe it, yet looking around seemed somewhat rare. It was definitely still light out, but the color of the sky or the general looking through the atmosphere was so unique. It wasn’t hazy, yet the wind had been blowing the whole day so there was quite a bit of dust in the air which I think leant something to the color of the day as it came to a close. It was blue, but not sky blue, darker, but not dark blue. I love to drive so I have seen quite a bit in my travels, yet this was a very unique color that permeated around us. I even mentioned to the better half to look around since she had been reading at the moment. She acknowledged the uniqueness and went back to reading so maybe it isn’t that big of a deal, but for about 15-20 minutes before true dusk set in and after the glaring afternoon soon this moment seemed very special to me. I wish I was a color palette aficionado so I could give you a reference, however no such luck. It wasn’t bright, too light yet it was light and surreal. You could still see for a distance, but it the sun did not feel as if part of the picture. Anyway as life goes on and in your travels you run across moments like I had. It never hurts to have a few moments so unique in your life that it makes you want to drink it all in and keep it in your memory.


Okay I am too the point where I do not know what to say about the election. I fear Trump may win, not because he is the better candidate, but because the economy is hurting people much worse than Biden realizes. People are beginning to feel the ravages of inflation to the degree where they do not want to spend or are having trouble paying their bills. It is subtle now in the national press, but out in the heartland people are hurting. You can see it in people’s eyes when they shop. They are still shopping which surprises me. This maybe because they do not want to deal with the reality of where they stand financially I do not know. Yet if you look closely you can tell the stressors are developing. Trump was President at a good time until the pandemic came along and people remember that. What the do not remember is he had nothing to do with it. And yet these same people are blaming Biden for the current problems. There are too many intricacies involved with our economy for any President to have immediate impact on the economy. Sure there are some things they can do, or try to use political power to get Congress or the Fed to enact laws or policies that have some effect on the economy, but the nuances of that are too much for many people. What affects the pocket book is very straight forward to the average Joe. Can I eat and can I pay my bills? And can I get what I want when I want it? I won’t get into the depths of people need to plan for their day to day lives along with their future, but in our immediate gratification culture when the dollar gets stretched, someone  needs to be blamed and Biden is starting to be the end result of the blame game.

Honestly I am not a fan of how he is handling the economy, but Trump still scares the crap out of me. And worst of all, people are forgetting he will kowtow to the uber rich in any real policy he invokes as President such as more tax breaks for them than you. I ask how many people remember Trump’s tax cuts expire for most of the country in the next couple of years except for corporations and the ultra rich. And he just made a call out for oil companies to give him a billion and he will throw away Biden’s green energy initiatives. And none of the people that support him realize in the long run how much this will hurt them. I am not going to vote for Biden or Trump, someone needs to do something different and fast or are worst nightmares are beginning to materialize. I did see a headline where the Libertarians booed him at their convention so it does make you wonder if he has the popularity to win over everyone not a Democrat or Republican to obtain enough votes to win, yet if Biden doesn’t get credit for doing something for the economy soon, Trump may win votes due to general ignorance.


And talking about general policy issues, I do not think I ever finished my 2024 platform for a fictious third party or independent bid. I need to go back and revisit where I left off and finish that up if needed.


And yes sports fans it is fun being in Dallas right now. Today is Sunday May 26 and the Stars won last night to even up their series. And even though headed on the road, they still have a good chance to move on. And the Mavericks play at home tonight after taking two in Minnesota.  And there are quite a few Mavericks fans over celebrating if you ask me. We are one minute away from being down two games to zero and in dire straights. I certainly hope the Mavericks come out with serious intensity tonight and play like they are down two games because momentum is fickle and we do not want to give any to the Timberwolves. It is so hard for the players game after game once you start getting this close to a championship. Fans are going crazy expecting their team to win, yet for the players every step you get closer to the dream, the next won is harder to make. So sure being up two games sounds great, but winning that third then fourth are twice as hard. The intensity and the strength needed to win the next game grows exponentially. The players and teams that understand this are the ones that win the championships. I hope the Mavericks and the Stars are at that point right now.


Time for dinner and to start gearing up for those said games.



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