Friday, May 31, 2024

Twitter now X is a massive closed loop of dangerous insanity.


And in some cases that isn’t a big deal such as when your favorite sports team makes the Finals in their sport. All the fans get on there and post the same content over and over again all trying to one up each other in being the biggest fan. All fun and games and even makes “X” fun to read.

The Donald Trump closed loop though is extremely dangerous because it is not just a bunch of fans sharing tweeted high fives. I do not know how this has happened, but I am on some algorithm where many pro Trump posters are on my feed or home page or whatever. And their madness is beyond the pale. I certainly understand that when you are a fan, you want similar content, yet now we have unabashed lies being promulgated by other leaders in our country. There are Senators, Congress people, media personalities all jumping on a dangerous and self serving band wagon that has gone beyond being a fan or supporter of Trump. They are supporting dangerous speech and feeding into the loop at some type of hyper speed. It goes around once then magnifies, then goes around again and is even exponentially worse each time it goes around. They have passed any concept of discourse of talking about why they think Trump is the better candidate. It is now all about how only they can save America.

First of all really?!?!! No one can save America. We are too crazy, independent, self serving, selfish, arrogant and more to save, yet we have done well at times. Though to read their growing madness is downright scary.

The left verbiage is clueless and bad enough, yet most in the stare down the right from the tip of our nose thinking is just well clueless and elitist, but you can get over it.

What is being said in the Trump loops is taking on a new level of Dante’s inferno. We are being driven down a path we may never recover. And I have no idea how to break their loop. It is closed, it is tight, it is moving fast and it is destructive at its very core. And they all encourage each other to follow themselves with all sorts of you say vote for Trump and I will follow you. This is where much of magnification develops.

I knew once the verdict went down it would be overwhelming, yet it overwhelmed even my prognosis of disaster. I do not know what to say, except do not take what is going on in the Trump camp lightly because well they have the camp fires lit and are ready to do more than march. My only hope is it is more bravado than reality, yet when large sectors of what is supposed to be reasonable people are jumping into the pit for their own benefit it can only get worse from here.

No cheers tonight folks even with the Mavericks winning the Western Conference finals.

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