Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Supreme Court and Judge Aileen Cannon are disenfranchising millions of voters.


Okay I originally had this idea last week, then got busy then was out of pocket for a few days so now trying to recreate my thoughts. Also I was a bit more hissed off at the time. And since I have been out of pocket I do not know what else has been written about the subject, yet here I go.

To the point though, the more Trump’s trials are delayed the more people who want to know if he is guilty or not to vote are being screwed.  The immunity question needs to be addressed and yes I know I wrote the Supreme Court cannot fully answer this question, much less in one opinion or that was the gist of what I wrote, yet they do need to do something. And of course Judge Cannon’ actions are a train wreck of any type of justice. The case she is presiding over is of utmost importance. How can we as voters know whether to vote for Trump or not if we do not have a good idea of what he did with these security documents. I am keeping this simple to protect Trump’s right to a fair trial, but a verdict needs to be found. The appeals will likely go on forever, but at some point people need to hear the evidence in a public forum and hear what twelve people have to say about the matter.

There are millions of people who are mulling on their vote. There are die hard Biden supporters, die hard Trump supporters, yet there are independents and Republicans who aren’t sure if they feel comfortable voting for a criminal who really need to know. Delaying any verdicts on Trump’s cases is more than just leaving voters uninformed, it is depriving people of fundamental decision making in casting a vote. Voters have a right to know who they are voting for and in this case it is about the man and his character. If he is innocent we need to know and if he is guilty we need to know, but to leave this until after the election is taking away voters’ rights to know and disenfranchising their ability to vote in good conscience.

Having people vote on hunches and guesses on matters so important is a travesty and thoroughly weakens one of the three tiers of our government. Who has faith in a system where part of it sits on its hands on some of the most important information that affects that system? Already there is little trust in Congress and the Supreme Court, so why sit on this information and leave so many people with doubts as to what is the truth. Once a decision is made then people can weigh their thoughts on the decision and what was brought forth by the prosecution and defense to determine how they will vote or in some cases deciding not to vote. Doing nothing is a failure of our government specifically the 1/3 to fulfill their duty to govern.

I know Trump wants to delay it all, but unfortunately for him, this is not just a case about him since he is running for public office. If he were an individual facing court cases then he could decide to pursue his right to a speedy trial or not, but he made a decision to run so these cases need to be adjudicated before the election or millions of voters who want to do the right thing are being held hostage to the same system they need to work so they can make a decision for good or bad.

Heck in a democracy if you want a dictatorship you have a right to try and vote one in, but no one has the right to withhold information that can affect what a voter needs to know about a candidate. Right now our Courts are doing this to the detriment of our democracy and we are not getting the choice we deserve.

The Supreme Court and Judge Aileen Cannon need to be held responsible for their failure to do their job.

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