Sunday, September 22, 2024

Let’s talk about next steps.


I am much more conservative than the public policy I offer as an option to what the Democrats and Republicans put forward. I do also have some serious populist tendencies.

I do believe many to most Americans are moderate to moderately conservative. Please note I said most Americans, not all. There are a very significant group that are extremely leftist or “progressive” and then there is MAGA.

There is also a significant group of conservatives that are still hanging onto a Reagan era conservatism that has probably played out it’s usefulness as a political or conservative movement.

So quickly you can see there is going to be a huge vacuum in the conservative ecosphere post Trump. Post Trump may or may not be this election, however there will come a time when Trump loses his shine so to speak. And there is the looming possibility that date maybe November 6, 2024. Maybe not, but if he loses there could be an immediate drop in his grip on the Republican Party. Do not get me wrong, there will still be quite a large MAGA contingent that will be holding on and very involved in his post election loss activities, whatever that might be.

The point I am making is there is going to be a brewing battle to who fills the conservative leadership vacuum post Trump. And I will say this, no one has the inside track to fill that vacuum. No one. It could have been Nikki Haley, but once she acquiesced to Trump she lost some support from the leftover Reagan Republicans. DeSantis just doesn’t have a personality for people to gravitate. Christie maybe, but he won’t be the leader, but a player that garners some attention. The Senate MAGAs such as Haley, Cotton or Cruz will lose luster once Trump is gone. And Cruz has a slight chance of losing his seat this year. McConnell is way past his prime. And there is no one in the House that would generate any National interest due to their incessant madness and internal bickering, plus the few in leadership in the House have no respect from the general population, not just the left wing haters. Hogan from Maryland? Is he a leader? The Lincoln Project? Or are they a one trick horse?

I am calling it now. If Trump loses there is going to be either a complete breakdown of conservative politics in America or the right wing MAGAsphere is going to take over and cause such a blue wave in 2026 that public policy, our deficit, our debt, foreign policy will be in such disarray that the chaos we are predicting for the upcoming post election will only become worse, but in a different way. The leftover MAGA world will blame the resulting chaos they create on the Democrats, and our general populace will have lost complete track on anything our government is doing for them. Subsequent to 2026 too much progressive politics will scare the middle to either complete apathy or back to the MAGAsphere.

Again the majority of our country is more moderate or moderately conservative than this leftward lunge will accept.

So it is imperative a strong moderately conservative party grows quickly from the ashes of Trump’s defeat if that happens on November 05, 2024. So younger members of the Republican Party must quickly coalesce around each other, especially those who support family oriented policies, budget oriented candidates who will need to understand they are going to need to compromise significantly at first to start steering budget conversations rightward, yet all in all between this election and 2026 they will need to move fast with rational ideas all the while fighting the leftover MAGA hatred that will dominate social media. No easy task to say the least.

Now will this fall under the Republican name or will a new party come to fruition I have no idea, yet to recreate a political equilibrium, this party will need to rise quickly or the worst of right wing inclinations will take hold of quite a large section of the populace with leaders of even worse character than Trump.

This new party may not win a majority in 2026, but if they can become viable enough that people see a rational alternative to MAGA and extreme progressiveness then hope glimmers significantly.

Unfortunately we will need this this phoenix to rise from Trump’s political ashes post haste since 2026 will come at us faster than the last off cycle election.

And this rise will be faced with great peril. The MAGAsphere will be fighting it tooth and nail for voters and with no dynamic or charismatic figure to lead it, clawing a foothold onto the general populace political psyche is challenging.

As you know I would support this being a new major party, but helping to find the leaders for this most important endeavor is something I fear not happening. I am not a dynamic personality on social media and I do not know one or probably years ago my thoughts would have gained much more traction. So I can hope that circumstances changes things or a new group of younger dedicated Republicans regain the Party mantle and move forward.

And as always I offer quite a few ideas for public policy if anyone is interested.


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