Friday, September 6, 2024

Oh yeah, it is Dallas Cowboys season


Every year I make a prediction on how their year is going to shake out. How well will they do, etc.?

And every year it gets more nauseating to think about another season.

I did not predict they would go far last year in the playoffs, yet I was actually hoping to be proven wrong. They didn’t fail my prediction, lost in the playoffs and didn’t make the NFC Championship much less the “big game” yet failed me as a fan. They appeared to be much better at the end of the year than I thought they would be, then for the umpteenth time since their last Super Bowl they fell short.

So how does a person or fan predict how they are going to do this year? It is just about impossible and with contract distractions all preseason, who knows how each player feels about the future. And I am including the players who don’t have contract negotiations going on because they have got to be looking at the front office (meaning Jerry Jones) and wondering what is the commitment to win. And that can lead to a why do I need to care attitude. If the owner isn’t showing commitment, why should the players, all of them in fact.

It is a bit scary to think this season could fall through a crevice and turn out real ugly. I do not want this to happen, but honestly I think it is a possibility. If the players have lost confidence in Jerry and there are no loud rumblings coming from Frisco right now, but it may only take a game or two for players to decide Jerry ain’t doing anything. And this is all feeling.

I am glad Lamb is signed, it does say something, but is it enough. Players have to feel their efforts are supported and that is by the front office paying the correct players, if those players are paid then the other players feel like ownership is committed to winning.

Also a problem that concerns me is how good is our offensive line or for that matter the defensive line. I did not see enough of preseason to present a strong opinion, yet the little I did see or hear about doesn’t leave me with a ton of confidence. The good news is I may have not seen enough. I am a big believer in the front lines on both sides of the ball really dictate a game and if you want success in the NFL your line better be good if not really good.

I still have confidence in the coaching staff so I believe if they can get some rhythm they still might make the playoffs. 

To me football boils down to the players, the coaching staff and the intangibles. If you have talented players across the board, you don’t always have to have the best at each position, but talent across the board you have a good chance. If all things being equal or close in player talent then the coaching staff matters immensely. A well thought out game plan with players who truly understand their position and role makes a huge difference. Finally you have the intangibles and this is where I worry the most. The Cowboys for many years since the last Championship have had the first two aspects mentioned above. And this is why they have failed to move past one or two playoff wins especially the last couple of years. They have come out flat at the first of games, seriously flat, no focus, no desire, and then try to recoup it throughout the game. You cannot enter a playoff game without enormous amounts of intensity, desire, energy etc…. the intangibles.. who wants it more and this has to be from the very first play. And is this the coaches or the players fault? I think both so until I see the intangibles come to fruition I worry each and every year about winning in the playoffs. There is a good chance the Cowboys will make the playoffs this year. And there is a good chance I am going to be throwing things at my TV in January. I am not sure I can continue watching this year over year.

Thank goodness I am old and have seen every NFL championship game the Cowboys have played including Green Bay in the 60’s. I would like to see some more, yet not quite sure if I will unless Jerry Jones retires, then maybe there will be hope.

Yet for this year I am going to go out on a limb and say the Cowboys will go 10-7 or maybe, maybe 11-6, make the playoffs and actually make it to the NFC Championship game. I do not think they will win it. I think McCarthy is smart enough to realize the Cowboys have to approach the playoffs completely different than the last few years and will push the team to be somewhat successful. They are going to struggle at times this year, but will win enough to get to the playoffs. And again I think they will win at least two playoff games.

So let’s see if I am proven wrong and have a TV in February.

Jerry makes me drink so Cheers!

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