Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Well the debate is over, now what?


How about going to the beach, a mountain, a national park, anywhere just to get away from the madness. 

Well that didn’t go well for one Donald J Trump. I do not think Harris knocked it out of the park, but at least she didn’t come across as an angry old man with no vision.

Harris spent most of the debate either goading Trump or painting some rosey future with no substance behind it and Trump told us all we live in a dystopian hell.

The little Harris did offer for the economy was some quaint ideas that might help a few families specifically, but the rest of us are now going… well what about us?

Like many I do not think the moderators should have fact checked as they went along, yet it was nice to see Mr. Trump challenged on his incessant madness of lies on occasion.  Harris should have been the one that challenged him on his facts, so she got lucky that she didn’t have to waste her answer time to question what Trump said.

Did it appear the moderators favored Harris? To an extent yes, but it wasn’t as bad as right wing media plays it out. And the comments that only losers complain about the refs is probably working in Harris favor for a minute portion of the undecided voters.

And another randomly small portion of the undecideds that pay attention to world politics probably were scratching their heads at the Orban reference. Why use him as an example of someone to tout your leadership skills on the world stage? Is that the best you can do? Not a good look for anyone that is aware of what is going on in Europe. Just in general Hungary isn’t a country most Americans pay attention to and since Trump didn’t reference where Orban was from, the reference went somewhere into foul territory in left field. It wasn’t hit in the park. And there is nothing wrong with Hungary, I hope to include it in a long sightseeing trip through Europe one day. Actually I have three or four separate self planned European tours on my bucket list I hope to accomplish. I hope I get to make them all.

Anyway back to the debate, or really maybe not. There wasn’t much of the debate on policy. And the actual statements of help for first time homebuyers, family care and for small businesses, we didn’t hear much else about the economy except for it can be rosey or you are living in that dystopian hell. No one mentioned the budget or lack there of, no one talked about taxes, oops we did get a bit about healthcare or that it exists and we need to make it better. For some strange reason, the Affordable care act or Obamacare got some burn, Trump saying he made it better in lieu of creating his own program, and Harris saying she wants to make it even better. Since it is mediocre at best, won’t be hard to make it better and I am not sure how Trump made it better during his tenure as President. Yet as always, he loves to tell us he made everything better. I wish I could say that and get away with it. I could tell the better half how wonderful our budget is as I struggle to pay the monthly bills. Just look up at her and smile while my stomach turns as I see the checking balance go down with each bill. Wouldn’t that be nice.

Overall Harris avoided policy issues she could be called out by triggering Trump and Trump has never offered any specifics on policy except for the occasional drill baby drill rhetoric, some statements about the border situation which we all want improved and he is going to tariff the rest of the world into economic submission. Not sure how that is going to work though.

Overall we still need new candidates, new ideas, really any ideas with some depth would be helpful and new parties. If Harris doesn’t jump dramatically in the polls from this debate it still proves the economy is voter’s most important issue and she needs to get out in front of that fast otherwise why would anyone want Trump except for his fans at this point.


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