Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Same ole song and dance, the government is going to shutdown ho hum……again. But first, does the low propensity voter feel insulted?


I wonder because they might be the smartest voters.

It seems the world only pays attention to them for two months out of every four years. They are just as important for the entire four years as everyone else. So many of us spend the entire four years yelling and screaming at our government and it never listens anyway even if you give the politicians advice. You have to be careful with advice, it is like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, while advice is either good or bad in the ear of the listener. Anyway our politicians just don’t care about the majority of us for four years, but for two months this fall everyone is talking about the low propensity voter; like what does that mean.

And I am being a hypocrite here, I have written that we need to cut down the time of our elections anyway, but I rant and rave all the time about politics in this blog. Maybe the low propensity voter has this down to a science, just don’t give a rat’s back end until September and bam everyone wants your vote now. So they do what I say and that is care about elections for only a couple of months. It would actually do this country some good to cut down election season, but I haven’t got the fortitude not to be the angry old man yelling at politicians to get off of my lawn.

Of course politicians will make the same empty promises to them that they do to the rest of us, yet the low propensity voter is at least promised irresponsibly to specifically. I don’t get that attention and again I even give out free advice.

So let’s hail the low propensity voter, pat them on the back for their ingenuity and more importantly their sanity for ignoring all the hubris for over 3 and a half years and still be the group most people say will decide this election.

Maybe I should target them to get new parties.

And I asked the question of someone specifically this evening, but now to y’all: are you tired of hearing about another government shutdown? I mean this issue is older than dirt, but much less important. We need dirt for food, still trying to figure out why we need our current political parties.

A shutdown will cause problems, but the duopoly that gets elected every two or four years still hasn’t figured out, it is us, the voters/citizens they are supposed to respond. And you knew this one was bad when the Representative from Georgia Ms. Marjorie T. Greene even called out her own caucus over it.

It is old news, bad government, bad political theatre and incompetence all rolled into one overly dramatic stage show that accomplishes nothing. And over the years this has pushed our budget into very dangerous territory.

And people think I waste my vote when I don’t vote for Democrats or Republicans, please… please think about this before you waste your vote.  We are way past the lesser of two evils consideration, this is the greater of two incompetencies thinking.


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