Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Hurry up and go President Trump

 It is time to start the Biden bashing.

One thing we know for sure, is there will be some job openings in DC soon. Trump has whittled away a good junk of Washington D.C. and regular career civil service jobs, left untold number of political appointment jobs unfilled, firing people like crazy, so yeah, and add in a Democrat to the White House and the job numbers in D.C. will be positive come February and March, maybe longer.

Other than that Biden is going to be stymied. I do not think Georgia is going to elect a Democrat Senator, much less two so lack of leadership Leader McConnell will sit on all legislation till way past time the cows come home. Why? Because he can and he has no agenda, just power. And frankly he is the swamp, so hey there is another Trump campaign promise not fulfilled. 

The gags are old, the Republicans are older, and once the hurrah of Biden’s first few days pass, Washington will still be the swamp, money will still buy Congress, ineffective bureaucracy will rule the day, and if we are lucky Trump’s tweets or palors or whatevers will fade into the background for awhile as whatever he says now carries absolutely no weight and thank goodness no authority. 

Things will go back to just being another day in the neighborhood all the while our problems fester, money is wasted, the pretentious left will lecture us, and yet they still don’t have a new idea. Wait I do take that back. Like it or not the Green New Deal is a new idea so lets give credit where credit is due. What happens to it, well don’t hold hour breath. And you may have to if we do not do something about fossil fuel and its’ pollution. 

And only Trump can ruin Thanksgiving, well a pandemic also, but I heard he is thinking of staying in Washington to do who knows what. Someone send him to Mar-a-Lago so he can rest and so can we. 

The longer he delays the more fired up his base is becoming, which is his plan, but at some point someone has to tell them the President is just making stuff up, go home, eat turkey and enjoy real life for awhile. Hopefully it will be Trump, but then again I buy lottery tickets also. 


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