Thursday, November 12, 2020

Now it is getting funny

 So the talk has been that if Trump ever decides to move on from the White House he might start a Digital Media Company to supposedly wreck Fox News. And I am pulling the above sentence from a news headline from Yahoo’s myriad of stories. 

Yep good ole Donald Trump is going to start another company or business. And I bet Fox News is not holding their breath over this new company because,... well.... it is Donald Trump and he has such a hugely bigly history of business success. The guy use to open a new business all the time and exactly which ones are still in business. Only the Real Estate school seemed to survive until it was shut down by a lawsuit. 

Casinos, airlines, steaks, and whatever offer so much worry to Fox News about anything Trump might do to “wreck” them. 

Now this may be left wing media hysteria or whatever, but no one on either side of the proverbial aisle is worried about a new business venture from Trump. Maybe he gets someone competent to run it so he can spend the whole time ranting and raving about his fraudulent election and for awhile his base will tune in and there will be some advertising dollars. Over time how much can the base stand day in and day out of his same schtick. Sure there will be conspiracies galore to add new programming, but realistically it would start to drone on and on after so many appearances. Sure they will all still like it and may check it every day, but at some point when do they stop paying close attention and deal with their daily lives. Most have jobs, families, church etc so holding their attention for any length of time will be challenging. Okay some are the crazies with no real life, but honestly most do have normal lives and that will take over and make it difficult to constantly tune in. 

It is great to go to a rally once in awhile to get out of the house, but day after day of him standing there with that self satisfied look on his face as his crowd eggs him on will wear on even the most ardent of supporters. It is human nature. 

Maybe I am wrong and playing the hits to his base on a daily basis may be Trump’s true business success, but wait I just said that in a sentence didn’t I. It is just too funny to even think this will happen. 

Good luck there Donnie boy. 

On a secondary note Fox News needs to step up and admit they are a problem in this country. After 20+ years of feeding nonsense that the Democrats are the enemy they are responsible for much of the current division in this country. Time they did some healing, or shoot maybe some of us independents ought to sue them for treason or something. Yes the pretentious left is a problem too, but Fox has ramped up their audience pretty significantly and all for corporate greed. 

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