Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Trump may be learning one of America’s interesting political lessons

 Power in the United States is fleeting.

Many Republicans are acting all benevolent about the vote counting, saying we should let the votes count etc. Many are pushing back a bit at Trump, well maybe not pushing but leaning sideways right now. Why?

The answer is simple and obvious. They are thinking it will be easier to beat Biden in 2024 than have to deal with either Trump making noise about a third term or one of his children running and dominating the Republican party and splitting the Republican vote. 

Guess what President Trump, as long as the numbers keep skewing Biden the noise from within your party is going to get louder and once it looks like Biden wins you can scream all you want, but many prominent Republicans are going to start singing their own tunes. They all know McConnell will prevent Biden from being successful so a Republican can win in 2024. The positioning among the Republicans is already beginning. 

If you want to get ahead of the game for bandwagon jumping, see who works the most with McConnell in the Senate or which Republican Governor tries to find themselves on the national news as much as possible maybe trying to cherry pick Trump’s issues and verbiage to capture his base. 

We haven’t determined a winner yet, but politics in America never stops. 

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