Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Hispanic Vote

 Yes, one full day to the last day people can vote and I am going to talk about something called the Hispanic Vote. Bit late to try and make massive inroads for either party, so why the effort at this point.

First of all, the so called Hispanic vote is actually very diverse. Mexico, Central America, South America and some of the Caribbean make up most of the roots of some type of blanket term like the Hispanic vote. Even though there are many differences amongst this group there are two distinct reasons to group all this together. The first is immigration and the second is most of the culture from all these groups is very family orientated which lends to most of them generally have conservative tendencies. Add the immigration component and most have become successful through hard work you create a very large dynamic multi ethnic group that you could lump together as a voting bloc and not surprisingly would label as conservative or would lean conservative. 

So what gives, why talk about it now? Well for two reasons, one I have alluded to this before that this vote by nature is a conservative vote and the Republicans screwed up in 2012 when they didn’t follow through on being inclusive. Second and this caught me off guard. I was going to write about the Hispanic vote at some point anyway, but listening to Fox News radio on Friday afternoon one of the commentators went all in on the Hispanic vote being conservative and made many of the points I would have made. I didn’t get his name because I was listening in as I always do with all news groups and it was Fox’s turn, when lo and behold, the commentator went down a litany of reasons the Hispanic vote would tend to be conservative. I was impressed. I think it was a show with three or four commentators with the host being a woman, but again I was not paying that close attention till one did a good job of breaking down why he thought the Hispanic vote would go for Trump. I disagree with the Trump part, but a respectable candidate that didn’t tear up the immigration issue and the conservative candidate would have a significant advantage. 

Just a thought for those that might be interested going forward. 

Originally my post would have gone into greater detail, but I didn’t hit on it first earlier last week so feeling a bit beaten to the punch by Fox on this one, but hey, I have brought this topic up before, and it was strange hearing Fox make a rational argument about an opinion I feel strongly about. So tonight I watched the Cowboys almost play football for part of a game, but overall a third string quarterback is not the guy who can win a game in the NFL while helping the better half with something she wants to get done and ended up staring at bedtime still wanting to talk about this topic. I will come back to it because going forward in this country the Hispanic vote whether people like it or not is going to be a major factor in the future. 

So as always a new conservative party that is inclusive realizes that immigration is a hot button issue, and overall recognizes they believe in family, hard work, many own their own business, the success of their children, going to church is going to be successful in courting this vote. It is not all the same and there are many individual interests, but as a group that really isn’t a group the Hispanic vote is very important to the future of our country and better to include and help them to incorporate the values of our Constitution than ignore or marginalize going forward. It will make or break the success of either party or hopefully a new one going forward. 

Again a more detailed discussion will be posted again, but for this election there were missed opportunities in not engaging this group overall.

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