Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Republicans still own the Democrats

 Not that this is a good thing, yet day in and day out the Republicans are still yanking the Democrats chains over and over again.

And some of this has nothing to do with Trump.

The Republicans do and say all this border line stuff that is borderline illegal and immoral, but skirt the edge just enough to send the Democrats into hissy fits and they say all sorts of nonsense which the Republicans come back and use to show their base how dangerous are the Democrats.

I have watched this for decades now and the Democrats never seem to learn. Maybe because they rely on pretentious media leadership, maybe because they tend to see problems that can happen, but actually haven’t happened or maybe they are just too sensitive. Whatever it is, it ain’t pretty to watch.

Sometimes I wonder if the Republicans aren’t in their country clubs spouting all sorts of nonsense trying to one up each other on what they are going to say the next day to get a reaction from the Democrats. 

Trump and his people took this to new levels. The problem is the average Republicans don’t realize how dangerous he really is to this country. To many it was just another way to be entertained by Democrat over reactions.

And we won’t get into any policy issues coming from Trump (there aren’t that many anyway), for many Republicans it is worth its weight in gold for the entertainment factor to watch Democrats twist in the wind. Add in people like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity to fuel the hatred all the while gathering Democrat’s overreaction and hyping it up on their show. They make millions, Trump thinks he is a hero and the Democrats help burn the house down because they can’t see straight through their anger. 

Ever wonder why I say Democrats are clueless. 

I truly hate being so caustic but someone needs to wake them up.

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