Monday, April 27, 2020

Give us politics and give us death

Well apparently a few Governors think all this is blowing over, the disease is eradicated, and we can go back to screwing the consumers and supporting big business like nothing ever happened.

We are so blessed that some highly funded right-wing groups get to send us to our grave playing politics. They have absolutely nothing to rely on statistically that opening up will automatically save our economy and we should all get out there and buy something. Cases are still going up, but that is in the way of base groups threatening Governors because somewhere someone with money feels cheated that his stock portfolio is less than his sexual dreams require it to be. 

So I ask all the Governors opening up this week or next, are you paying for all the funerals you will cause? Honestly even with cases going down, there will be a lag before the death toll isn’t jaw-dropping, but when there is a spike of hospitalizations in the next 2-4 weeks, when Grandma dies at the beauty salon, when that curve that was flattening looks like an Apollo Rocket launch again, will Governor Kemp,  Governor Abbott and the others sell off their stocks and open their wallet to pay for the difference in numbers of deaths versus a flattening curve? Will they pay off medical bills so doctors get paid? Will they automatically graduate 1000 new nurses from school that will be needed when the ones we have can’t work because they are sick? Are they ready to beg our President for portable hospitals from FEMA? 

Can we sue the backers of the vocal tiny minority that are forcing this issue to pay for all the extra unemployment the government cannot already afford? Who pays for the 6th or 7th stimulus package? When did their civil rights are more important than anyone’s life? And those civil rights arguments do not hold water even with our Constitution if you read carefully, you cannot put yourself above the life liberty and pursuit of happiness of others. We are all equal and we are all stuck. No one likes it. I am ready to go to the beach, but I sit home somedays and go to work the other days. I go to the store, I wear my mask, I worry about all the crazy people running around like nothing is going on. I do not need the people who are supposed to be responsible for the safety of the country being played by money. Who does this?

So Governor opening too soon, will you take care of my family, pay my bills, and pay my funeral? I would use my life insurance, but that is for my family to keep because you are going to drag this out much further than it needs to be. My family shouldn’t have to pay for your inconsideration of life, your desire to please a subset of hired vocal foot soldiers being sent off to a war they do not know exists for them. They are sacrificial lambs to the greed of a few. If they get sick, they get told they died for their rights. What a bunch of crap! They and their families get nothing all the while some businesses get a temporary bump in earnings till we have to shut down in earnest again.  And is there enough of these ignorant soldiers that we have to go through a third?, fourth? shut down till someone wakes up and stops the madness? 

As I say all the time, we need to completely shut down, hold off on everything but the most basic of businesses like medical and food for two months. And test test test. Is it a pain in certain unnamed areas? Heck yes. Will the economy bounce right back, no, but it will slowly come back and it will be strong again, but we will be able to breathe, the disease can be managed and traced, and we can live again. 

Our country has made ultimate sacrifices many times, sometimes for years, why can’t we make an ultimate sacrifice for a few months? There is an answer and it is not a pretty one. So instead of pointing fingers, let's hold our elected officials accountable by being more vocal than the paid soldiers and let them know how we, the people, truly feel. The government needs to test and we need to write write write.

And if you want you can keep it real simple, email your Governor and say something like:

Are you ready to protect millions or bow down to hundreds of paid political mercenaries? 
And leave it at that.

Or look into Maine, Alabama, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho for States opening soon or States with partial openings such as Georgia, Oklahoma South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Colorado, Montana or Minnesota
Right now ignorance and/or inaction is almost as dangerous as the disease. 


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