Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Random thoughts for Spring 2020

Still trying to shake the ominous feeling this year is giving me.

As I sit here listening to the sounds of the dishwasher and the dryer banging around I am left wondering what happened to dinner. 

Actually, we had a good meal celebrating the better half’s birthday, still, though a sad day even though we worked hard to make it a birthday. The kids and grandkids sang happy birthday via zoom, each family had their own cake to share after we cut the one we had, we cheered and clinked computer screens with glasses, and then everyone went their separate way. So considering the circumstances it was good, but hard to say happy birthday to the one you love when bringing the family together was nothing more than a computer screen. And I am not complaining I would rather be social distancing than the alternative. If you picked up on the grandkids you know we aren’t in our twenties so we need to keep our space. And pandemics have happened before and at least we have zoom and computers to be together. Just a hundred years ago was the last major worldwide pandemic and they didn’t even have radio on a commercial level, so we count our blessings. Still sad because now we have much more than radio and we are spoiled to modern technology and it still hurts not to be with the whole family in person on special days. I have been known to be too nostalgic for my own good. 

And then on to the ongoing disaster of American politics. Where are we? We still are divided, we still pontificate on social media, we still point fingers at the other side, yet you can find an enormous amount of good also. So who are we now as a country. Are we the divided contemptuous angry mob that only agrees with our side or are we the everyday heroes the press or media occasionally mentions in the daily news? 

Did the me generation of the 80s produce the me presidency of Trump or is Trump the by-product of something else? Is he our worst iteration of who we are as a country or is he a passing nightmare that will pass away when many of my generation and the remaining of the previous generation pass away? Or is my generation the problem. I cannot say my generation without hearing the Who in my head...’talkin bout my generation..” How are we talking about ourselves now?

It is so funny, the better half is the cup half full and I am the cup half empty, yet I fight for more of our future than she does. Or at least try in this blog and talking to our peers. 

I like desktops, I do not like laptops.

We still need new parties because seriously folks we are facing choosing either Biden or Trump. Can we not do better?  Will Amash run and is he better? oh, God Cuban?!?!?!?!?

Still today there is within this country extreme greatness, why cannot that bubble up to the top.

Happy Birthday to the better half and I hope all of you are surviving well. 2020 will pass, someone will figure out a vaccine, or things will be bleak for a while. I am ready to go back to wishing to travel. At least that is fun. 

One of these days someone will actually give me feedback on the short stories I keep sending them. 

Oops, there goes the last drop of wine from dinner being poured into my glass.

Anyone know which patio furniture is the best to buy?


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