Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Ludicrous you say?!?!?!?!!?

So Tucker Carlson who has the President’s ear thinks that listening to medical experts for policy during a pandemic is ludicrous, yet a pseudo-news anchor and a couple of talking heads giving out policy advice with absolutely no expertise in anything going on right now is perfectly acceptable, that is not ludicrous?
How on God’s green earth can that man state on national tv the medical experts should be ignored, yet the crisis is a pandemic? The guy probably makes more than 90% of the rest of the country through his salary and he is worried about his stock portfolio. When is crisis management driven by some talking head on a tv station that calls itself a news station, but won’t register as a news station so they are not held accountable for facts? How can he look at himself in a mirror each morning?
Mr. Carlson during the last recession people were losing their homes right and left how often was Fox touting the wonderful Wall Street bankers that made a fortune after the recession ended. Now during a pandemic where people are dying right and left and then you say doctors are not the best people to listen for policy advice?
We got through the last recession and Wall Street did wonderfully. We will get through this one and hopefully main street will do better. 
Chiding the President to open up the economy for what purpose. People will still get sick, people will still die, and this will go on much longer than it needs to, yet you must have your precious economy, your precious President, your precious influence, damn the torpedoes full speed ahead into years of a health care nightmare, destroyed families, just so you can get on tv and ?????
Seriously you are a horrible human being to even try this stunt. Until we get control of this and get a vaccine, the economy will actually suffer more because people will be unable to come to work, what sick leave people have will be gone, hospitals will be a drain on all levels of governments’ budgets, medical bills will be defaulted on at astronomical rates, people’s credit scores will be a joke and for what? Why are you pushing this reopening of the economy prematurely? 
If your precious President had been smart he would have tested like crazy and shut this country down hard for 6-8 weeks. The doctors get control of the situation and the CDC can address flare-ups so we can have some semblance of normalcy till we get a vaccine. 
By not doing that he cost us his economy and it will take much much longer to recover. Closing down for 6-8 weeks would have been tough, but definitely something we can overcome. Dragging this out or reopening too early is going to do more damage to your precious economy than you have a clue. Why don’t you listen to the experts? Your President is clueless and you are moving him further away from the truth every minute. 
Please do not ever use the word ludicrous again because you are the prime example of what is ludicrous. 

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