Friday, April 17, 2020

The disconnect is amazing

On the same day, there is a news story that says there were more deaths in China Governor Abbott appears to want to reopen Texas post haste. He says we will have new testing to help us with this process, yet we haven’t seen testing even close to what is needed. What makes him so confident the results will change so dramatically?

The one tool to relieve anxiety over this is a vaccine. The second most important tool to move forward is testing on a grand scale. We do not have either right now. Apparently, there are people working feverishly on the vaccine so we can all go back to work. So let us hope they are successful much quicker than the average time it takes to develop a vaccine.

Increased testing on a vast scale needs to be done for two weeks so we have a true understanding of what we are facing. Here is the irony for President Trump. If testing proves this has gone through the populace greater than currently believed he will get his open America much sooner. If we can test and find the “hotspots” we then can contain them and begin a phased opening. Either way benefits Trump, yet why isn’t he ramping up tests? This question perplexes me no end. The best thing that can happen for him, he is not even beginning to address. Again, why? The answers that come to my head just aren’t good so I will keep them to myself since they are only paranoid presumptions. Or is it just plain incompetence?

And another disconnect is I saw the pictures of the people protesting at State Capitols to open their state. They had on gloves and some were wearing masks like the kind we all have to go to the grocery store etc. So exactly what are they saying? 

And I am trying not to overreact, but Trump’s tweets that are encouraging people to show up at these state capitols with their guns, along with aforementioned masks and gloves are more than a bit worrying. Our Constitution and our wonderful country are now facing some interesting times. Some Republicans need to take a good long hard look at themselves and realize there is a difference between having a great country or being a blind Trump supporter. There are conservatives and there are Trump supporters and more and more they are not one and the same.

And oh yeah, it was said you cannot serve two masters..., hmmmmm, just a thought for all those desperate to open the economy for Trump.

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