Monday, April 20, 2020

Quick follow up to what happened to conservatism in American and other comments

Probably should mention holding the values of the Constitution dear to your heart is also a prerequisite to being a conservative.

There once was this phrase, a strong middle class is the backbone of democracy. And who said that originally? For those that don’t know like me, you will be surprised to find the answer. So if you believe that America needs its middle class to look no further than Greece. okay, Greece circa 2400 years ago.

Let me add to another point. With Trump, there is no political party. It is just Trump, his supporters, and a bunch of people who use to call themselves Republicans, yet haven’t realized they no longer are Republicans just Trump supporters. There is not a Republican bone in Trump, either classical Republican or Reagan Republican, not even the pinkie toe bone.

There is that one comment a person forgets to include last time, then cannot remember this time. It is driving me crazy. I will remember it at 2 am. You know I will.

We are all restless, shoot even I started pricing vacations on Sunday. Interesting point you can get an idea when most Americans feel they can be confident about going out again. The price of a vacation package between mid-May and mid-July almost doubles. That says something right there.

And speaking of such, Steve Wynn wants the Las Vegas strip to be open starting in mid-May or late May. I saw that headline.

Then I saw the headline where the Governor of Georgia is opening the state this Friday even as the number of cases and deaths are still going up. There is something dangerous as to the hold on people that Trump possesses. People have given up on common sense and their sanity. Sure it is tough and many people are suffering, and that means our government should be helping them, not Wall Street. The Street has enough money for two generations at least. The last entity our government needs to protect is hedge funds, banks, corporate executives. The upside-down nature of these stimulus packages is going to make AOC a huge hero. They don’t like her, but they keep giving her ammunition. Again common sense has flown the chicken coup. Or more succinctly if you say you do not want socialism then quit handing over the populace to socialists.

Or you can go to the website pitchfork economics, it is an alternative to her. I have mentioned this site before, at least it is a rational alternative to the Trump deranged Wall Street fueled and backed money grab going on so Trump can bribe the one-percenters to help him. People are dying and going broke, it might be a benefit to take that into consideration instead of enlisting your supporters to tear this country down further. Something has to give and something will give and I do not like even saying it.
I still cannot remember it. If this says updated at 2 am it means I got out of bed because it bugged me that much. It was one of the original thoughts that drove to go crazy and write the post in the first place, then the free form madness took hold.

Otherwise Cheers!

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