Monday, October 12, 2020

And tell me why again

 It is pretty obvious that Senator McConnell does not give a flying fart about the general population of the United States, but today I was reminded of it again in a way that made me want to ask you why haven’t things changed?

I was flipping through a plethora of internet articles, reading headlines and then a paragraph or two to see if anything new was being said when I read something to the effect after the Senator got off the conference call with donors and lobbyists.... that phrase so casually written just re hammered it home to me that we are so screwed even if we overcome all the hate going on in our country. And I bet you a dollar to a dime they were not talking what we can do for a stimulus package or better healthcare. 

McConnell and company are just making decisions solely for their benefit  while we storm the proverbial ramparts arguing over everything else that is twice as important, like respect for each other, stamping out systemic racism, better education, healthcare, wealth gap, living wages, you know all the things in society our government is suppose to be advocating for us. Yet, tomorrow laws will be written, tax codes will be changed, politicians will receive more money to write their laws for them, and the them being the one percent. 

I know you know that corporate lobbyists have been running this country for decades, yet underneath all the madness that is going on in this country we have this one constant. The one percent is still shredding this country to pieces for their own benefit and they have fallen way behind the back burner in the public arena, much to their delight.

If more Americans knew that they are doing more to take away our rights, our livelihoods, our integrity, than a thousand masks do then maybe we could actually change for the better. As long as the one percent can still control the economic purse strings they aren’t going to care what happens to us. So lets thank the fraud of a conservative party called the Republicans for decimating our entire country so a million or two greed filled country club elitists that are culturally inept can go hide on their yachts while we tear each other up in the streets come November. 

Thanks Senator McConnell for maintaining some consistency in government. 

No cheers tonight

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