Tuesday, October 20, 2020

This is going to be the longest...

 two weeks.

I use to enjoy election night even when I quit voting for Democrats and Republicans, now please get this over with as soon as possible or sooner. Can we vote now and side step the post election madness?

When I was a child, the two weeks before Christmas was the longest two weeks, but there was so much fun, anticipation, joy, excitement, because it all meant something.

These two weeks do not mean anything anymore. They are just a long wait game till more madness. You do not feel like the election will accomplish anything. And getting there is already roasting the country.

The wait till you find out if you have Covid-19 after testing especially if you have underlying health concerns is painful, the time is maddening, nothing makes sense, and you do not trust anything. That makes sense when you are waiting to find out if you have an unpredictable disease. It shouldn’t be this way for the people of our country for the election, but that is the way it is. How are you going to trust the results? 

Each side will claim victory, the extremists on each side are going to be on the streets, people will be asked to believe all sorts of craziness, and you dear reader will wonder what happened to the great experiment called democracy. 

It is still there, we are just living in dark times and they happen occasionally, but while we live through them working to rebuild who are we is not going to be pleasant to say the least. Some people will never accept what happens on November 3rd and that is a shame. The real goal on November 4th is to start working to find new candidates that truly represent us and leave the duopoly. If 2016 and 2020 are not proof enough you should be thinking you have had enough then I do not know what to tell you. 

There are great people in this country. We do not have to accept what is thrown at us so a very small group of people get what they want.

In the 1950′s corporations started selling us convenience and they apparently did a damn good job. We have bought it so much that even when the convenience is totally wrong for us we continue to buy it and obviously my point is that is where we are with the current duopoly. It is convenient to vote this way, but honestly don’t you think we can do better if we put in the effort. 

Convenience is good until it stops being good. We need to learn to differentiate. And we are way past that time, if you ask me. And you didn’t but you should have.

Frustration is always stronger when you see something better than what is being presented to you. So yes I am a bit frustrated (extremely frustrated) and so I ramble on, hoping that we have reached a point where people do realize greatness is made, it is not bought in a bottle.


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