Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wow, be careful what you ask for

 And I am loving it.

I have spent years/decades trying to get people to realize we need new parties. The Democrats and Republicans have been failing us.

And I have been married for decades and my better half and I have been discussing this for years. Well in 2016 the change started happening and it helped there was an independent candidate that better met our beliefs than the two major candidates.

Now we have found a candidate and even though this person is a write in here in Texas we are very excited to vote for this person. 

And my better half has jumped on board with a new fervor. She is posting on her facebook page, engaging all the comments with fact based arguments and philosophical arguments about why voting for a different candidate is the better choice. So many people are telling her she is wasting her vote because this candidate doesn’t have a chance to win. One person even broke down the difficulty of getting the electoral votes.

And even though their procedural arguments are true, they still do not answer what it means to be a true winner in the big picture. So here is an example that is a stretch to this election, but hopefully it will help you stop and think why voting for an outlier is still a possible win. Change doesn’t happen till you make it happen. And my example is:

Rosa Parks

She wasn’t a leader, a community pillar, won an election so never held office or was appointed to a position of governmental authority, yet she is a winner. Her simple acts in life changed the political landscape in this country. As a society we are still struggling to completely bring about what she started, yet the struggle is on. It is in the open and affects what we do in society, some of it good and some of it we need to continue the fight she started. 

She is a winner at a much higher level than winning just an election. 

So when I say we need new parties and new leaders I hope you understand to get there we need to support people who are starting the change, they may not win the election, but if they move us in the right direction, inspire us to follow our beliefs our passions, and bring about better policies in the long run then voting for them is not a waste, but a necessity. 

Another example, Teddy Roosevelt did not win the election in 1912, but some of what was on the platform for the “Bullmoose Party” ended up being some of the bigger accomplishments during the Wilson administration.

Again change doesn’t just happen, it is made. Voting for new leaders is part of the change even if it is procedurally difficult for them to win an election

Lunch break over so got to get back to work.


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