Sunday, October 18, 2020

If you don’t believe the duopoly of tribalism is failing America

then here is a simple thought to hopefully open your mind a bit.

If you are only voting for Trump because he says he is a pro-life candidate then instead you should vote for Brian Carroll, the American Solidarity Party candidate. Read his and the party’s views on pro-life.

If you are only voting for the Democrats because of the Green New Deal then you should vote for the Green Party across the board, well, because they’re the Green Party and have been promoting this for quite some time.

Yes, these are one issue reasons to change, but if you actually go a bit further and read about these candidates/parties based on these issues you might find there are other reasons to vote for them. 

This is just two examples, but hey hit the search button and you might find out that you do not need to be part of a tribe to vote your beliefs. The duopoly has failed America and we need better. 

And yes Noam Chomsky I can push the lever for someone besides Biden and not be assisting Trump. I do not have to be in your tribe to be right. My conscience says more to me than tribalism. 

Heck, even John Kasich said if the alt right keeps pulling the Republicans further and further to the right and the far left becomes dominant in the Democrats there will be room in the middle for a third party. The only thing I say to that Gov. Kasich, is don’t say third party say new major party.  

Or in the parlance of NCAA basketball, maybe we need a few mid major conferences to shake up the tournament. 


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