Sunday, October 25, 2020

Watching AOC

 I am watching AOC on Jake Tapper right now (repeat from this morning) and it may sound to some that she is compromising a bit with her statements about Biden taking first steps by stopping federal subsidies to fracking is a start and her hesitancy to come out and push Biden further.

If you think that she is compromising too much, then welcome to American Politics. And then you need to realize the real power she has in this fight and the lack of the same power the Republicans have in the American political fight.

She is in her early thirties, everyone she is competing against in the Republicans and Democrats is in their 70′s. Any questions. She can compromise now because time is on her side.

For the Democrats this is just great, for the Republicans, they do not have youth personality on their side so going forward in the new battle they are so far behind and one reason they are so desperate to hold onto any control they can. 

I recently outlined where conservatism might come from, but the who was my weakness in that piece. Honestly it was staring me in the face tonight. I knew this reality existed. I know that there is not much young conservative activism going on right now. There is young alt right activism, but not conservatism.

8 years ago a few Republicans thought they needed to change and had some thoughts and conversations about opening up the Republican party to be more inclusive. Well, that failure to follow through has been well discussed and well upfront in this election. That failure allows AOC to become a very prominent voice in America for a long time and she is learning very fast how to play the game. The Republicans aren’t learning, maybe the rest of us conservatives can.


And on a side note we did enjoy the First Ladies Series show tonight

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