Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Exactly what,,, and some advice for both candidates

 I figured out the problem with the world, too many people in the United States have no taste buds. 

Now I am throwing stones from a glass house because I know better and still do not treat myself to eating well. I mean this though, the love of good food is a great way to bring people to together. Yet, when people gorge themselves without savoring etc then what have they obtained. Not even real sustenance which isn’t good, and it doesn’t move us forward as a society or culture.

Good food is probably the one excess that all mankind should have available to them regularly. Yes, even the poor deserve to enjoy the fruits of what this planet has to offer along with the talents of men and women who can take it to the next level.

Yet someone like Trump is President, shows how far the cultural ladder the United States lands. Have you heard what he likes?

I was in the grocery store and something caught my eye. I need to be more disciplined about cooking especially since we cannot go out to eat right now.

If I had money, I would be overweight and happy. I love the taste of good food and yet my palate is still in its infancy. I would travel to eat. Yes some fine wine too. Well prepared food by itself though is something every human should have a chance to enjoy at least irregularly. Socialism won’t put a lobster in every pot, but the human race deserves better when it comes to the power of good food.

And yes I know and I hear you, we haven’t even come close to solving world hunger, much less world sustenance. Still someone has to set a goal and the goal should be treat people well and feed them well. No, people won’t all be fat and lazy if you feed them well. The enjoyment of good food is one of the great simple joys of life. Why are we starving people?  (not rhetorical and there are a hundred bad answers to that question, time we find some good ones)

Both candidates just flabbergast me. The one thing that matters going forward is how do we live starting in 2021. “What’s the plan Stan”

I have been on a CNN kick lately, kind of rare actually and Mark Meadows as Republicans usually do stuck his foot in his mouth, then Mr. Tapper, in his pretentious left self focusing on the gaffe and turning a mountain into a mountain, but neither one realized the real problem.

Both candidates have no idea what they are going to do come lets say February. Both have words, but neither are communicating a plan to the American people that the American people can actually put their finger on. 

They say they have a plan, and there are some things you figure either side might do, but a real lets get down and dirty plan. Maybe

So with a week to go, how about we are going to move forward by

1) containment, Mr. Meadows is right we cannot control it, but we do have to contain it till his vaccine is ready. And honestly and both parties better start being honest, even a semi reliable vaccine is still a ways off; not just having results from tests, but having it. 

2) We are going to need some serious economic development in a hurry especially since Leader Mitch is a prick and has shut down the struggling and the poor of this country something horrible. Got cake under that mask Mitch? Or have you never read history? Cause....???? you ain’t looking too smart. If the Republicans want capitalism, they better be ready November 4, not January with some plans. Personally the elitists don’t care, but I do, so I hope something is developed. (I kinda like eating well)

3) And this economic development needs to be much more than energy. So far Trump and fossil fuels and Biden and clean energy is what we hear. We need more especially heavy investment in infrastructure and heavy investment in small businesses. They both use the word infrastructure, but real solid concrete in the ground ideas???? I could add a whole host of projects to start working on yesterday, heck ten years ago.

4) I know Trump doesn’t have a healthcare plan, but what the hay, lets pretend. He better put it on the table the exact same day the Supreme Court strikes down the ACA. I wonder when his base will realize they do not have the money to go to the hospital anymore. And on a side note, lets not forget, only a very few of Trump’s base are the wackos. Many are hardworking people who have dreams, just no education. The pretentious left needs to get over themselves. Trump’s people are Americans, they believe in what they were taught and unfortunately they were not taught well. The vast majority really do not understand the world was pulled out from under them in the 90′s by FOX and the one percenters. And honestly I still need to hear much more from Biden about his plan, especially if he has to craft a new one in January, cause if Trump loses everything will be in limbo for the moment.

5) And we will need to engage each other again as human beings. Sounds simple, but this is so important. We will actually need events that the country can celebrate. Not military parades, President Trump, but true Americana, that bring people together in the streets, open up the diversity and move this country forward. We need to go back to sharing, what about a national potluck, yeah make fun, but right now we need something that redirects the divisiveness clouding our future. And if you point a finger that it is the other side, Stop!

Or basically to both candidates, we need more meat on that plate.

The first answer is jobs and food. The real answer is so much more. 

And the quote is somewhat bantered around and there are two famous versions of it so here they are because the truth is the truth.

“If you vote for the lesser of two evils you are still voting for evil....You should always vote for the best candidate whether they have a chance of winning or not, and then even if the worst possible candidate wins, the Lord will bless our country more because more people were willing to stand up for what is right.” Ezra Taft Benson (maybe and maybe 1972 hmmm)

and yes I know many of you just tuned out, but

“Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil” Jerry Garcia

Now that you see polar opposites saying the exact same thing, why the heck are you still voting for Democrats and Republicans. Going back to Mr. Benson, research your other parties and write ins. There are actually a few good people running. You may not agree with everything, but there are some people it wouldn’t hurt you to research. 

And there are other people with the same theme quote. Or there are other quotes similar that deal more with voting your conscience either for principle or for your own benefit. “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost,” John Quincy Adams

And on that note, lets go back to keeping it simple.

Good values and good food should be the soul of our country. 

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