Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The FBI needs to answer

 and now, if they haven’t already.

The New York Post story is a problem and everyone knows it. The FBI either needs to say there is an investigation and say we do not comment on ongoing investigations. Or...

The FBI needs to come out and say the references to them in the Post Story are incorrect. And if so, they need to investigate the origins of the story and make a determination if the FBI by name was used as part of a disinformation campaign or fraud or whatever crime has been committed. Too much is going on in this country for the FBI to ignore this fire. Either there is an ongoing investigation or a serious misuse of the media is taking place and needs to be addressed and if there are fraudulent elements involved then they need to be investigated and prosecuted. The truth needs to be addressed publicly (either way) and very loudly.

As regular readers know I am not voting for Trump or Biden so I hope both lose, but at this point the country needs better answers from people who are not part of either campaign. To have this story come out three weeks before the election is a travesty if it is a fraud and it needs to be addressed immediately. If there is a legitimate investigation, so be it. 

Or if it is somewhere in between, that also needs to be addressed, but the FBI needs to answer what is said in this article. And they need to make it a national press conference or something so there is no confusion as to what is said.

Again the FBI needs to say something. The lies or the cover ups are too much anymore. The people of this country need the truth because the anger is running deep. Mine is so strong I can’t stop typing. 

And speaking of not voting for either party contact your Secretary of State or other entity for voting and see who are all the eligible write in candidates if you are not satisfied with the duopoly or the two minor parties. Vote even if you do not support the duopoly.  Large turn out for other candidates is just as important.

I put out a list of candidates not Democrat or Republican in a somewhat recent post, however it was not all inclusive nor are all the candidates on every state ballot. You have to research who are the eligible write in candidates and be prepared.


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